Sunday 6 September 2020

Reported Speech Exercise 1


‘Say’ and ‘Tell’ Put in ‘said’ or ‘told’:

1.Julie ______________ that she would join us after work.

2.She ______________ me that she was going running this evening.

 3.John ______________ us that he couldn’t come to the party.

 4.John ______________ that he had been to the cinema at the weekend. 5.She ______________ them she wanted to quit.

6.David ______________ he was going to arrive at eight.

7.They ______________ that they didn’t want to meet us on Tuesday.

8.I ______________ him I wasn’t impressed.

9.Lucy ______________ Julie that she was leaving on Wednesday.

10.We ______________ that we were going on holiday the following week. 11.Jack ______________ my mother he would be in Spain this week.

12.I ______________ that I hated mushrooms.

13.She ______________ she loved chocolate.

14.They ______________ they were meeting Luke today.

15.They ______________ us they were going to the museum this afternoon. 16.He ______________ he wouldn’t start without us.

17.I ______________ them I’d bring pudding.

18.Jonathan ______________ it would rain today.

19.They ______________ us that it was fine to come late.

20.The boss ______________ me that I should do some more work on this report.

Reported Statements: Present Simple

1.“I live in New York” She said ________________________________________________________

 2.“He works in a bank” She told me _____________________________________________________

3.“Julie doesn’t like going out much” She said ________________________________________________________

4.“I don’t have a computer” She said ________________________________________________________

 5.“They never arrive on time” She said ________________________________________________________

 6.“We often meet friends in London at the weekend” He told me _____________________________________________________

7.“David doesn’t have any children” She said ________________________________________________________

8.“I don’t go to the gym very often” She said ________________________________________________________

 9.“Lucy owns three flats in the city” She said ________________________________________________________

10.“I never get up early on Sundays” She said ________________________________________________________

11.“She meets her boyfriend at the cinema every Friday night” He said ________________________________________________________

12.“We don’t travel much” She said ________________________________________________________

13.“John doesn’t live in Japan any more” She said ________________________________________________________

14.“They work in Hong Kong” She told me _____________________________________________________

15.“I have to work until seven or eight pm every night” She said ________________________________________________________

16.“I don’t want to go to the theatre next weekend” She said ________________________________________________________

17.“We like working in Paris” She said ________________________________________________________

18.“She doesn’t have enough time to do everything” She said ________________________________________________________

19.“Tony hates mushrooms” She told me _____________________________________________________

20.“They often go on holiday in July” She said ________________________________________________

Reported Statements: Present Continuous

1.“I'm sleeping” She told me _____________________________________________________

2.“We’re working” She told me _____________________________________________________

3.“She's coming to the party” She told me _____________________________________________________

4.“He’s talking on the telephone” She told me _____________________________________________________

5.“Lucy is reading a book in front of the fire” She told me _____________________________________________________

6.“I'm not going out” She said _______________________________________________________

7.“We are not visiting Paris during our trip” She said _______________________________________________________

8.“I'm listening to my new CD” She said _______________________________________________________

9.“John is working in a bar for the summer” She told me _____________________________________________________

10.“I'm not going to go on holiday” She told me _____________________________________________________

11.“He isn't living in Beijing” She told me _____________________________________________________

12.“I’m taking the train to Berlin” She told me _____________________________________________________

13.“He is never coming back” She told me _____________________________________________________

14.“Jill is studying a lot” She told me _____________________________________________________

15.“I'm not meeting Julie” She told me _____________________________________________________

16.“We aren't renting a flat” She said _______________________________________________________

17.“They are visiting the museum” She said _______________________________________________________

18.“She's eating dinner” She said _______________________________________________________

19.“We aren’t going to the library” She said _______________________________________________________

20.“I’m coming” She said ______________________________________________________

Reported Statements: Past Simple

1.“I went to the cinema yesterday.” She said ________________________________________________________

2.“Jane left the party early.” She told me _____________________________________________________

3.“I didn't go out at the weekend.” She said ________________________________________________________

4.“He didn't like chocolate as a child.” She said ________________________________________________________

5.“They visited Japan.” She said ________________________________________________________

6.“She didn't buy the dress.” He told me _____________________________________________________

7.“I travelled through India and Pakistan.” She told me _____________________________________________________

8.“He met his girlfriend in a café.” She said ________________________________________________________

9.“David didn't arrive until 10 o'clock.” She said ________________________________________________________

10.“We went to the park to have a picnic.” She told me _____________________________________________________

11.“We ate Chinese food, then we walked home.” She told me _____________________________________________________

12.“She forgot to bring the CDs.” He told me _____________________________________________________

13.“I didn't like the food in the restaurant.” She said ________________________________________________________

14.“He didn't take a shower.” She said ________________________________________________________

15.“I worked until six.” She said ________________________________________________________

16.“We went to Paris for the weekend.” She said ________________________________________________________

17.“The plane left at seven.” She said ________________________________________________________

18.“I came to London in 2004.” She said ________________________________________________________

19.“Lucy didn't go to university.” She told me _____________________________________________________

20.“John never studied German.” She said _______________________________________________________

Reported Statements: Present Perfect

Change the direct speech to reported speech:

1.“I've never been to Brazil.” She said ________________________________________________________

2.“She has visited Paris three times.” She said ________________________________________________________

3.“He has read ‘War and Peace’.” She said ________________________________________________________

4.“I haven't seen Julie for ages.” She said ________________________________________________________

5.“He hasn't been to school this week.” She said ________________________________________________________

6.“We haven't seen ‘The Lord of the Rings’.” She said ________________________________________________________

7.“They've eaten in a lot of different restaurants.” She said ________________________________________________________

8.“I've never tried skateboarding.” She said ________________________________________________________

9.“Lucy has drunk six cups of coffee today.” She said ________________________________________________________

10.“Mr Black has written three books.” She said ________________________________________________________

11.“It hasn't rained much this year.” She said ________________________________________________________

12.“She has never swum in the sea.” She said ________________________________________________________

13.“He has studied Latin.” She said ________________________________________________________

14.“I've been sick all week.” She said ________________________________________________________

15.“Robert has been to China five times.” She said ________________________________________________________

16.“I haven't met Richard before.” She said ________________________________________________________

17.“Julie has never studied music.” She said ________________________________________________________

18.“He has eaten too much chocolate.” She said ________________________________________________________

19.“We haven't seen the new play.” She said ________________________________________________________

20.“I haven't tried the new restaurant yet.” She said ________________________________________________________

Reported Statements: Future Simple

Change the direct speech into reported speech:

 1.“I'll go to the cinema later.” She said ________________________________________________________

2.“We'll meet the children at six.” She said ________________________________________________________

3.“She’ll be late.” She said ________________________________________________________

4.“Lucy will definitely come.” She said ________________________________________________________

5.“I will stop smoking on Tuesday.” She told us _____________________________________________________

6.“John won't do it.” She said ________________________________________________________

7.“They won't be able to arrive early.” She said ________________________________________________________

8.“I won't come with you.” She said ________________________________________________________

9.“He won't remember to buy milk.” She said ________________________________________________________

10.“It won't rain later I'm sure.” She said ________________________________________________________

11.“The Conservatives will win the next election.” She said ________________________________________________________

12.“That girl will never pass the exam.” She told us _____________________________________________________

13.“John will arrive before David.” She said ________________________________________________________

14.“It will be cold tonight.” She said ________________________________________________________

15.“Jenny will cook dinner.” She said ________________________________________________________

16.“We want to get married next year.” She said ________________________________________________________

17.“I won't be able to afford a new car.” She said ________________________________________________________

18.“She won't want to attend the meeting.” She said ________________________________________________________

19.“Richard won't drink coffee.” She said ________________________________________________________

20.“I won't vote at the next election.” She said ________________________________________________________

Test -1

Reported Statements Mixed ExerciseChange this direct speech into reported speech:

1.“He works in a bank” She said ___________________________________________________________

2.“We went out last night” She told me ________________________________________________________

3.“I’m coming!” She said ___________________________________________________________

4.“I was waiting for the bus when he arrived” She told me ________________________________________________________

5.“ I’d never been there before” She said ___________________________________________________________

6.“I didn’t go to the party” She told me ________________________________________________________

7.“Lucy’ll come later” She said ___________________________________________________________

8.“He hasn’t eaten breakfast” She told me ________________________________________________________

9.“I can help you tomorrow” She said ___________________________________________________________

10. “You should go to bed early” She told me ________________________________________________________

11.“I don’t like chocolate” She told me ________________________________________________________

12.“I won’t see you tomorrow” She said ___________________________________________________________ 13.“She’s living in Paris for a few months” She said ___________________________________________________________

14.“I visited my parents at the weekend” She told me ________________________________________________________

15.“She hasn’t eaten sushi before” She said ___________________________________________________________

16.“I hadn’t travelled by underground before I came to London” She said ___________________________________________________________

17.“They would help if they could” She said ___________________________________________________________

18.“I’ll do the washing-up later” She told me ________________________________________________________

19.“He could read when he was three” She said ___________________________________________________________

20.“I was sleeping when Julie called” She said ___________________________________________________________


Reported Yes / No Questions: Present Simple

Change the direct questions into reported questions:

1.Is John at home? She asked me if __________________________________________________

2.Am I late? She asked me if __________________________________________________

3.Is it cold outside? She asked me if __________________________________________________

4.Are they in Paris? She asked me if __________________________________________________

5.Is the bus stop near the shopping centre? She asked me if __________________________________________________

6.Is the milk fresh? She asked me if __________________________________________________

7.Are you a doctor? She asked me if __________________________________________________

8.Are James and Lucy from France? She asked me if __________________________________________________

9.Is my brother in the garden? She asked me if __________________________________________________

10.Is the weather good in Shanghai in the summer? She asked me if __________________________________________________

11.Does Julie drink tea? She asked me if __________________________________________________

12.Do you like chocolate? She asked me if __________________________________________________

13.Do they own a flat? She asked me if __________________________________________________

14.Does David go to the cinema often? She asked me if __________________________________________________

15.Do the children study Chinese? She asked me if __________________________________________________

16.Do they go on holiday every summer? She asked me if __________________________________________________

17.Does your sister live in Stockholm? She asked me if __________________________________________________

18.Do I talk too much? She asked me if __________________________________________________

19.Does Jennifer want a new job? She asked me if __________________________________________________

20.Does it rain a lot in London? She asked me if __________________________________________________


Reported ‘Wh’ Questions: Present Simple

Change the direct questions into reported questions:


1.Where is the post office? She asked me ___________________________________________________

2.Why is Julie sad? She asked me ___________________________________________________

3.What's for dinner? She asked me ___________________________________________________

4.Who is the woman in the red dress? She asked me ___________________________________________________

5.How is your grandmother? She asked me ___________________________________________________

6.When is the party? She asked me ___________________________________________________

7.How much is the rent on your flat? She asked me ___________________________________________________

8.Where are the glasses? She asked me ___________________________________________________

9.How is the weather in Chicago? She asked me ___________________________________________________

10.Who is the Prime Minister of Canada? She asked me ___________________________________________________

11.Where do you usually go swimming? She asked me ___________________________________________________

12.What does Luke do at the weekend? She asked me ___________________________________________________

13.Where do your parents live? She asked me ___________________________________________________

14.Who do you go running with? She asked me ___________________________________________________

15.When does Lucy get up? She asked me ___________________________________________________

16.How much TV do you watch? She asked me ___________________________________________________

17.How many books do they own? She asked me ___________________________________________________

18.Where does John work? She asked me ___________________________________________________

19.What do the children study on Fridays? She asked me ___________________________________________________

20.Why do you study English? She asked me ___________________________________________________


Reported Questions

Change these direct questions into reported speech:


1.“Where is he?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

2.“What are you doing?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

3.“Why did you go out last night?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

4.“Who was that beautiful woman?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

5.“How is your mother?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

6.“What are you going to do at the weekend?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

7.“Where will you live after graduation?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

8.“What were you doing when I saw you?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

9.“How was the journey?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

10.“How often do you go to the cinema?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

11.“Do you live in London?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

12.“Did he arrive on time?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

13.“Have you been to Paris?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

14.“Can you help me?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

15.“Are you working tonight?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

16.“Will you come later?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

17.“Do you like coffee?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

18.“Is this the road to the station?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

19.“Did you do your homework?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

20.“Have you studied reported speech before?” She asked me ______________________________________________________

Reported Requests and Orders

Change the direct speech into reported speech:

1.“Please help me carry this” She asked me ______________________________________________________

2.“Please come early” She ______________________________________________________________

3.“Please buy some milk” She


4.“Could you please open the window?” She ______________________________________________________________

5.“Could you bring the book tonight?” She ______________________________________________________________

6.“Can you help me with my homework, please?” She ______________________________________________________________

7.“Would you bring me a cup of coffee, please?” She ______________________________________________________________

8.“Would you mind passing the salt?” She ______________________________________________________________

9.“Would you mind lending me a pencil?” She ______________________________________________________________

10.“I was wondering if you could possibly tell me the time?” She ______________________________________________________________

 11.“Do your homework!” She told me ________________________________________________________

12.“Go to bed!” She ______________________________________________________________

13.“Don’t be late!” She ______________________________________________________________

14.“Don’t smoke!” She ______________________________________________________________

15.“Tidy your room!” She ______________________________________________________________

16.“Wait here!” She ______________________________________________________________

17.“Don’t do that!” She ______________________________________________________________

18.“Eat your dinner!” She ______________________________________________________________

19.“Don’t make a mess!” She ______________________________________________________________

20.“Do the washing-up!” She ______________________________________________________________

Test -2

Mixed Reported Speech 1 (Statements, Questions, Requests and Orders)

Change the direct speech into reported speech.

Choose the past simple of ‘ask’, ‘say’ or ‘tell’:

 1.“Don’t do it!” She ______________________________________________________________

2.“I’m leaving tomorrow” She ______________________________________________________________

3.“Please get me a cup of tea” She ______________________________________________________________

4.“She got married last year” She ______________________________________________________________

5.“Be quick!” She ______________________________________________________________

6.“Could you explain number four, please?” She ______________________________________________________________

7.“Where do you live?” She ______________________________________________________________

8.“We went to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant” She ______________________________________________________________

9.“I’ll come and help you at twelve” She ______________________________________________________________

10.“What are you doing tomorrow?” She ______________________________________________________________

11.“Don’t go!” She ______________________________________________________________

12.“Do you work in London?” She ______________________________________________________________

13.“Could you tell me where the post office is?” She ______________________________________________________________

14.“Come here!” She ______________________________________________________________

15.“I’ve never been to Wales” She ______________________________________________________________

16.“Have you ever seen ‘Lord of the Rings’?” She ______________________________________________________________

17.“I don't like mushrooms” She ______________________________________________________________

18.“Don't be silly!” She ______________________________________________________________

19.“Would you mind waiting a moment please?” She ______________________________________________________________

20.“How often do you play sport?” She ______________________________________________________________

Mixed Reported Speech 2 (Statements, Questions, Requests and Orders)

Change the direct speech into reported speech.

Choose the past simple of ‘ask’, ‘say’ or ‘tell’: 

1.“Come quickly!” She ______________________________________________________________

2.“Did you arrive before seven?” She ______________________________________________________________

3.“How was your holiday?” She ______________________________________________________________

 4.“I would have visited the hospital, if I had known you were sick” She ______________________________________________________________

5.“Don't touch!” She ______________________________________________________________

6.“Do you usually cook at home?” She ______________________________________________________________

 7.“They had never been to Scotland until last year” She ______________________________________________________________

8.“Make sure you arrive early!” She ______________________________________________________________

9.“I should have studied harder for the exam” She ______________________________________________________________

10.“Would you mind telling me how to get to the art gallery, please?” She ______________________________________________________________

11.“Please don’t forget my book” She ______________________________________________________________

12. “Make sure you arrive at six!” She ______________________________________________________________ 13.“Remember to study hard!” She ______________________________________________________________

14.“Where do you want to eat tonight?” She ______________________________________________________________

 15.“I usually drink coffee in the mornings” She _____________________________________________________________

16.“Do you like studying English?” She ______________________________________________________________

17.“I’ll come and help you on Saturday” She ______________________________________________________________

18.“Please buy some bread on your way home” She ______________________________________________________________

19. “Please give this to John” She ______________________________________________________________

20.“Could you give me the glass on the table, please?”She  _________________________________________________________

Answer key

‘Say’ and ‘Tell’ Put in ‘said’ or ‘told’:

1.Julie said that she would join us after work. 2.She told me that she was going running this evening. 3.John told us that he couldn’t come to the party. 4.John said that he had been to the cinema at the weekend. 5.She told them she wanted to quit. 6.David said he was going to arrive at eight. 7.They said that they didn’t want to meet us on Tuesday. 8.I told him I wasn’t impressed. 9.Lucy told Julie that she was leaving on Wednesday. 10.We said that we were going on holiday the following week. 11.Jack told my mother he would be in Spain this week.12.I said that I hated mushrooms. 13.She said she loved chocolate. 14.They said they were meeting Luke today. 15.They told us they were going to the museum this afternoon. 16.He said he wouldn’t start without us. 17.I told them I’d bring pudding. 18.Jonathan said it would rain today. 19.They told us that it was fine to come late. 20.The boss told me that I should do some more work on this report.

Present Tense

1.She said she lived in New York. 2.She told me he worked in a bank. 3.She said Julie didn’t like going out much. 4.She said she didn’t have a computer . 5.She said they never arrived on time. 6.He told me they often met friends in London at the weekend. 7.She said David didn’t have any children. 8.She said she didn’t go to the gym very often. 9.She said Lucy owned three flats in the city. 10.She said she never got up early on Sundays. 11.He said she met her boyfriend at the cinema every Friday night. 12.She said they didn’t travel much. 13.She said John didn’t live in Japan any more. 14.She told me they worked in Hong Kong. 15.She said she had to work until seven or eight pm every night. 16.She said she didn’t want to go to the theatre next weekend. 17.She said they liked working in Paris. 18.She said she didn’t have enough time to do everything. 19.She told me Tony hated mushrooms. 20.She said they often went on holiday in July.

Present continuous

1.She told me she was sleeping. 2.She told me that they were working. 3.She told me she was coming to the party. 4.She told me he was talking on the telephone. 5.She told me Lucy was reading a book in front of the fire. 6.She said she wasn't going out. 7.She said they weren’t visiting Paris during their trip. 8.She said she was listening to her new CD. 9.She told me John was working in bar for the summer.10.She told me she wasn't going to go on holiday. 11.She told me he wasn't living in Beijing. 12.She told me she was taking the train to Berlin. 13.She told me he was never coming back. 14.She told me Jill was studying a lot. 15.She told me she wasn't meeting Julie. 16.She said they weren't renting a flat. 17.She said they were visiting the museum. 18.She said she was eating dinner. 19.She said they weren't going to the library. 20.She said she was coming.

Past simple

1.She said she had been / went to the cinema yesterday. 2.She told me Jane had left / left the party early. 3.She said she hadn’t gone / didn't go out at the weekend. 4.She said he hadn’t liked / didn't like chocolate as a child. 5.She said they had visited / visited Japan. 6.He told me she hadn’t bought / didn't buy the dress. 7.She told me she had travelled / travelled through India and Pakistan. 8.She said he had met / met his girlfriend in a café.9.She said David hadn’t arrived / didn't arrive until 10 o'clock. 10.She told me they had gone / went to the park to have a picnic. 11.She told me they had eaten / ate Chinese food, then they walked home. 12.He told me she had forgotten / forgot to bring the CDs. 13.She said she hadn’t liked / didn't like the food in the restaurant. 14.She said he hadn’t taken / didn't take a shower. 15.She said she had worked / worked until six. 16.She said they had gone / went to Paris for the weekend. 17.She said the plane had left / left at seven. 18.She said she had come / came to London in 2004. 19.She told me Lucy hadn’t gone / didn't go to university. 20.She said John had never studied / never studied German.

Present perfect

1.She said she’d never been to Brazil. 2.She said she had visited Paris three times. 3.She said he had read ‘War and Peace’. 4.She said she hadn't seen Julie for ages. 5.She said he hadn't been to school this week. 6.She said they hadn't seen ‘The Lord of the Rings’. 7.She said they’d eaten in a lot of different restaurants. 8.She said she’d never tried skateboarding. 9.She said Lucy had drunk six cups of coffee today. 10.She said Mr Black had written three books. 11.She said it hadn't rained much this year. 12.She said she had never swum in the sea. 13.She said he had studied Latin. 14.She said I’d been sick all week. 15.She said Robert had been to China five times. 16.She said she hadn't met Richard before. 17.She said Julie had never studied music. 18.She said he had eaten too much chocolate. 19.She said we hadn't seen the new play. 20.She said she hadn't tried the new restaurant yet.

Future simple

1.She said she would go to the cinema later. 2.She said they would meet the children at six. 3.She said she would be late. 4.She said Lucy would definitely come. 5.She told us she would stop smoking on Tuesday. 6.She said John wouldn’t do it. 7.She said they wouldn’t be able to arrive early. 8.She said she wouldn’t come with you. 9.She said he wouldn’t remember to buy milk. 10.She said it wouldn’t rain later she was sure. 11.She said the Conservatives would win the next election. 12.She told us that girl would never pass the exam. 13.She said John would arrive before David. 14.She said it would be cold tonight. 15.She said Jenny would cook dinner. 16.She said they want to get married next year. 17.She said she wouldn’t be able to afford a new car. 18.She said she wouldn’t want to attend the meeting. 19.She said Richard wouldn’t drink coffee. 20.She said she wouldn’t vote at the next election.

Test -1

Reported statements: Answers 1.She said (that) he worked in a bank. 2.She told me (that) they went (had gone) out last night (the night before). 3.She said (that) she was coming. 4.She told me (that) she had been waiting for the bus when he arrived. 5.She said (that) she had never been there before. 6.She told me (that) she didn't go (hadn't gone) to the party. 7.She said (that) Lucy would come later. 8.She told me (that) he hadn't eaten breakfast. 9.She said (that) she could help me tomorrow. 10.She told me (that) I should go to bed early. 11.She told me (that) she didn't like chocolate. 12.She said (that) she wouldn't see me tomorrow. 13.She said (that) she was living in Paris for a few months. 14.She told me (that) she visited (had visited) her parents at the weekend. 15.She said (that) she hadn't eaten sushi before. 16.She said (that) she hadn't travelled by underground before she came to London. 17.She said (that) they would help if they could. 18.She told me (that) she would do the washing-up later. 19.She said (that) he could read when he was three. 20.She said (that) she had been sleeping when Julie called.

Reported Yes / No Questions: Present Simple

1.She asked me if John was at home. 2.She asked me if she was late. 3.She asked me if it was cold outside. 4.She asked me if they were in Paris. 5.She asked me if the bus stop was near the shopping centre. 6.She asked me if the milk was fresh. 7.She asked me if I was a doctor. 8.She asked me if James and Lucy were from France. 9.She asked me if her brother was in the garden. 10.She asked me if the weather was good in Shanghai in the summer. 11.She asked me if Julie drank tea. 12.She asked me if you liked chocolate. 13.She asked me if they owned a flat. 14.She asked me if David went to the cinema often. 15.She asked me if the children studied Chinese. 16.She asked me if they went on holiday every summer. 17.She asked me if my sister lived in Stockholm. 18.She asked me if she talked too much. 19.She asked me if Jennifer wanted a new job. 20.She asked me if it rained a lot in London.

Reported ‘Wh’ Questions: Present Simple

1.She asked me where the post office was. 2.She asked me why Julie was sad. 3.She asked me what was for dinner. 4.She asked me who the woman in the red dress was. 5.She asked me how my grandmother was. 6.She asked me when the party was. 7.She asked me how much the rent on your flat was. 8.She asked me where the glasses were. 9.She asked me how the weather in Chicago was. 10.She asked me who the Prime Minister of Canada was. 11.She asked me where I usually went swimming. 12.She asked me what Luke did at the weekend. 13.She asked me where my parents lived. 14.She asked me who I went running with. 15.She asked me when Lucy got up. 16.She asked me how much TV I watched. 17.She asked me how many books they owned. 18.She asked me where John worked. 19.She asked me what the children studied on Fridays. 20.She asked me why I studied English.

Reported Questions

21.She asked me where he was. 22.She asked me what I was doing. 23.She asked me why I went (had gone) out last night. 24.She asked me who that beautiful woman was. 25.She asked me how my mother was. 26.She asked me what I was going to do at the weekend.27.She asked me where I would live after graduation. 28.She asked me what I had been doing when she saw (had seen) me. 29.She asked me how the journey was (had been). 30.She asked me how often I went to the cinema. 31.She asked me if I lived in London. 32.She asked me if he arrived (had arrived) on time. 33.She asked me if I had been to Paris. 34.She asked me if I could help her. 35.She asked me if I was working tonight (that night).36.She asked me if I would come later. 37.She asked me if I liked coffee. 38.She asked me if this was the road to the station. 39.She asked me if I did (had done) my homework. 40.She asked me if I had studied reported speech before.

Reported Orders and Requests – Answers: 1.She asked me to help her carry this. 2.She asked me to come early. 3.She asked me to buy some milk. 4.She asked me to open the window. 5.She asked me to bring the book tonight (that night). 6.She asked me to help her with her homework. 7.She asked me to bring her a cup of coffee. 8.She asked me to pass the salt. 9.She asked me to lend her a pencil. 10.She asked me to tell her the time. 11.She told me to do my homework. 12.She told me to go to bed. 13.She told me not to be late. 14.She told me not to smoke. 15.She told me to tidy my room. 16.She told me to wait here (there). 17.She told me not to do that. 18.She told me to eat my dinner. 19.She told me not to make a mess. 20.She told me to do the washing-up.

Test -2

Mixed Reported Speech 1 (When I used ‘said’ you can also use ‘told me’) 1.She told me not to do it. 2.She said (that) she was leaving tomorrow (the next day). 3.She asked me to get her a cup of tea. 4.She said (that) she got married last year. 5.She told me to be quick. 6.She asked me to explain number four. 7.She asked me where I lived. 8.She said (that) they went (had been) to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant. 9.She said (that) she would come and help me at twelve. 10.She asked me what I was doing tomorrow (the day after). 11.She told me not to go. 12.She asked me if I worked in London. 13.She asked me to tell her where the post office was.(or: she asked me if I could tell her where the post office was). 14.She told me to come here (there). 15.She said (that) she had never been to Wales. 16.She asked me if I had ever seen ‘The Lord of the Rings’. 17.She said (that) she didn't like mushrooms. 18.She told me not to be silly. 19.She asked me to wait a moment. (or: she asked me if I would mind waiting a moment). 20.She asked me how often I played sport.

Test – 3

Reported Speech Mixed Exercise 2 When I used ‘said’ you can also use ‘told me’) 1.She told me to come quickly. 2.She asked me if I arrived (had arrived) before seven. 3.She asked me how my holiday was (had been). 4.She said (that) she would have visited the hospital, if she had known I was sick. 5.She told me not to touch. 6.She asked me if I usually cooked at home. 7.She said (that) they had never been to Scotland until last year. 8.She told me to arrive early. 9.She said (that) she should have studied harder for the exam. 10.She asked me how to get to the art gallery. (or: she asked me if I would mind telling her how to get to the art gallery). 11.She asked me not to forget her book. 12.She told me to arrive at six. 13.She told me to remember to study hard. 14.She asked me where I wanted tonight / that night. 15.She said that she usually drank coffee in the mornings. 16.She asked me if I liked studying English. 17.She said that she would come and help me on Saturday. 18.She asked me to buy some bread on my way home. 19.She asked me to give this to John. 20.She asked me to give her the glass on the table.

Reported Speech Exercise 2

  DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH  / REPORTED SPEECH Change the following into indirect speech: 1. He said, “Meet me at 1o’clock.” 2. She said, “...