Sunday 6 September 2020

Reported Speech Exercise 2


Change the following into indirect speech:

1. He said, “Meet me at 1o’clock.”

2. She said, “I have passed the entrance test.”

3. She said, “My mother is moving the matter.”

4.  “I did not do it.”, he said.

5. Sita said to Ram, “Get out.”

6. “Call the accused”, said the Magistrate.

7. The mother said, “Dear children, be quiet and listen to my words”.

8. The teacher said, “Why are you late, Ravi?”

9. Mr. Ramesh said to his driver, “Drop me at my office and pick me up at 6 p.m.’’

10. The teacher said to the boys, “You must attend the special class tomorrow. Don’t forget it.”

11. Lalitha said to Sarala, “I retuned the library book yesterday.”

12. “What a beautiful view it is!” said my friend.

13. Mohan said to Ravi, “Give me your book .I shall return it tomorrow.”

14. Sankar said, “I have lost my cell phone. I am yet to lodge a complaint with the police.”

15. The Headmaster said to the students, “Tomorrow is a holiday”.

16. The watchman said to him, “Who are you? I have not seen you earlier.”

17. The old man said to the students, “Please help me to cross the street.’’

18. He said to me, “I don’t believe you.”

19. She said, “I am happy to be here this evening.’’

20. He said to his friend, “I don’t see any horror film.’’

21. He said, “Do you play tennis?”

22. He said to them, “Why are shouting like this?’’

23. The teacher said to me, “Why don’t you study hard?’’

24. “Do you know better than your teacher?’’ jeered his angry friend.

25. He said to me, “What are you doing?’’

26. “Where do you live?’’ asked the stranger.

27. The Policeman said to us, “Where are you going?’’

28. Rema said to Rohan, “Go away.’’

29. He said to him, “Please wait here till I return.’’

30. “Bring me a glass of milk’’, said the Swami to the villagers.

31. The convict said to the inspector, “Please allow me to go and see my ailing-mother.’’

32. The woman said, “I have not taken the diamond ring.’’

33. The father said, “I am responsible for the child’s rude behavior.’’

34. The tourist said to the hotel manager, ’’There is too much noise in the neighborhood at night.’’

35. The minister said, “I will not apologize to anyone for this.’’


Changing Indirect Speech into Direct Speech:

1. The teacher advised him not to read so fast.

2. He asked me to wait until he came.

3. He told his servants to hurry up and not to waste time.

4. Their mother told the children to run away.

5. She asked me if I would wait for a minute.

6. The Judge commanded them to call the first witness.

7. He exclaimed sadly that his dog was dead.

8. The Chief guest said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening.

9. He said that he would go as it was possible.

10. He applauded him, saying that he had done well.

11. She asked me whether I had the address.

12. The tourist exclaimed that it was a very lovely piece of art.

13. The teacher instructed the students not write on both sides of the paper.

14. Praveen said that he doesn’t go to movies often and his mother would not allow it.

15. The teacher reminded the boy that he had often warned him to concentrate on his studies.

16. Rangan told Ashok that he had completed that exercise and then he could submit it without fail the next day.

17. Atul told me that I had not returned his pen.

18. The rats said that the cat should be billed.

19. Sadana said that her school would reopen the following week.

20. The happy prince asked me why I wept.

21. He told you that he didn’t trust you.

22. She says that she is happy to be there that evening.

23. The Policeman enquired him where he was going.

24. The teacher told the boys to sit down.

25. The Commander ordered his men to halt.

26. The king ordered the Hatter to take off his hat.

27. Rajesh told Shyam that he didn’t like that party.

28. My teacher said that the Sun rises in the East.

29. He said that he would write to her if he knew her address.

30. The teacher said that if Raghav had studied harder, he wouldn’t have failed his exam.


Report the following dialogues:  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1. Vijay: Why are you late today?

           Ajay: I missed the school bus.

2.      Sunder: I lost my wallet on the way.

          Saira:  Did you have money?

          Sunder: I had fifty rupees and my ID card in it.

3.      John: Sir, I want to deposit Rs.5000 in my father’s account

        Clerk: Fill in the challan and give it at the counter.

4.       Teacher: Sam, why were you absent yesterday?

          Sam: I took my grandpa to the doctor.

           Teacher: Is he alright now?

          Sam: Yes sir.

5.        Anil: Hello Atul, how are you?

           Atul: Fine Anil, what brings you here?

           Anil: I have just come to see you. It’s long since we’ve met.

6.       Evie: What are you looking for?

          Sheri: I have lost my purse.

       Evie: Where did you keep it?

         Sheri: I remember keeping it in the shelf.

           Evie: Don’t worry .We will find it soon.

7.      Bank Manager: Tell me, what can I do for you?

           Student:  Sir, I am a student. Could I open an account here?

         Bank Manager: Sure. Get the application form and fill it up.

8.       Teacher: Mala, why were you absent yesterday?

           Mala: I went to temple, sir

       Teacher: Okay .Complete the assignments I have given.

9.        Old student: Good morning, Sir, I am Chathrapathi, an old student of this                                                                   school, I want my Transfer Certificate, Sir

          H.M: Give me your details and get your T.C on Wednesday.

10.    Nithya:   Can you tell me where Mr. Kailash is admitted?

           Receptionist: He is in Ward Number -10.

        Nithya: Where is the ward number-10?

           Receptionist: It is in the second floor. You can use the lift.

11.     Father: Don’t watch TV during examination time.

            Varun: Sorry daddy. Today, they are telecasting our school programme.

             Father: O.K. I’ll watch that programme with you.

12.      Lawyer: Do you have sisters?

            Client: No sir, we’ve two brothers only.

           Lawyer: It has to be shared equally between you.

13.     Teacher: Where is your notebook?

             Ravi: I lost my notebook yesterday.

          Teacher: You will have to buy a new notebook and complete your work.

           Ravi: Yes sir, I will submit my notebook tomorrow.

14.     Shopkeeper: Why did you bring the book back?

           Student: Five pages are missing in this book.

           Shopkeeper: Please bring the bill. I will exchange it with another copy.

15.     Teacher: Have you done your homework?

            Raj: Yes sir, I have done my homework.

           Teacher: Bring your notebook

             Raj: Sorry sir, I didn’t bring it.

16.     Ranjith: Hello Raja, how are you?

          Raja: Fine Ranjith, what brings you here?

          Raja: Thank you. Let us have coffee.

17.   Rajesh: Where are you going now?

             Prakash: I am going to the library.

           Rajesh: Will you please return this book to the library?

        Prakash: Why not? I shall do it for you.



Reported Speech Exercise 2

  DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH  / REPORTED SPEECH Change the following into indirect speech: 1. He said, “Meet me at 1o’clock.” 2. She said, “...